In the mid-1600s The Dutch scientist Christian Huygens designed this microscope. The Golub Collection microscope No. 122 may have been patterned after this Huygens design.

Drawings are taken from A La Troisieme Partie de la Dioptrique "De Telescopiis et Microscopiis" Appendix XI. 1678 – 1692. Observations microscopiques.

Huygens glass bead as a magnifier
Huygens microscope
Christian and his brother designed and published this design in "Manuscript E" and republished in his Dioptrique.
As with many other microscopes of the time Huygens used glass beads as the magnifying optic.
Huygens drawing of Vorticella
Huygens drawing of protist
Drawings made by Huygens in March of 1678 of specimens found in "clove water". He observed them using his simple microscope:

Fig 50: Paramecium
Fig 60: Bacteria
Fig 90: Vorticella convallaria

Huygens drawing of bacteria